
  • Following the inauguration of the jubilee year of mercy by the holy father on 8/12/2015, The Archdiocese of Nairobi will officially inaugurate it today in various Parish churches. There wil;l be the opening of doors of mercy today in various parishes. We will inaugurate it officially in our parish at the 11.00 a.m Mass in K/West.
  • Wednesday 23/12/2015 there will be confessions in each prayer houses for preparations of Christmas. Confessions will start at 5.30 p.m and continue afterNovena.
  • Sunday 27/12/2015 will be Holy family day. Families are requested to sit together in church in every Mass.
  • Christians who have not yet collected the Christmas envelops are reminded to collect them after Mass at the exit.
  • The parish will distribute food and other items for christmas to the sick and needy Wednesday 23rd December 2015 at 800 p.m.  Sick and Needy Ministers are requested to come on Tuesday at 9.00 a.m to prepare for the event. and on Wednesday at 8.00 a.m. while  thanking Christians for their generosity we request them to continue bring their donations. .
  • Registration of new catechumens is ongoing. parents are asked to register their children. Kids from the age of nine are welcome. Adults catechism registration is still on at the catechist's office.. 
  • Familia ya Ufariji Childrens Home is continuing with the Registration of baby class children and above. For  more information  contact their office at 0719173477.
  • Our St Joseph Mukasa College announce vacancies for the New year.  Be part of this successiful institution.  Music, Business courses, Accounts, CPA, computer, foreign languages and graphics are offered.  For further information contact the college office. Registration is ongoing.