Core Values

In its endeavour to realize its vision and mission, St. Joseph Mukasa Catholic Parish upholds the following core values:


St. Joseph Mukasa Parish is driven by a desire to know, love and serve the Almighty God and to be a brother’s keeper. The Parish emphasizes on the need for the Parishioners to love and live in peace and unity with one another.


As depicted in the vision, the Parish aims at welcoming and integrating all Parishioners without discriminating. Thus, the Parish is committed to provision of services to all Parishioners and the community in a just and fair manner.

St. Joseph Mukasa Catholic Parish undertakes to maintain high standards of ethics, integrity, and honesty in the evangelization and provisioning of services. In addition, the Parish will maintain a culture of transparency and accountability in dealing with Parishioners and community at large and shall subscribe to the principles of honesty and “utmost good faith.”


The Parish recognizes that in order to achieve its vision and mission, there must be high levels of co-operation and good working relations among the Priests, Parishioners, staff and stakeholders. Thus the Parish embraces team spirit so that through synergy and with Christ in the midst, the Parish will develop to greater heights.


St. Joseph Mukasa Parish believe that the heart of the Christian life lies in commitment (Matthew 22:37-39). Thus, the Parish expects the Parishioners to be committed Christians and to provide financial, social and technical support to the Parish’s evangelization and social economic programmes. In addition, the Parish expects leaders and Parishioners to carry out their duties and responsibilities with zeal and devotion.

Innovation and Creativity

The Parish values creativity and innovativeness and calls for Parishioners to exhibit high degree of flexibility and imagination in evangelization and provision of human development services. In addition, the Parish is open to the use of modern technology in the evangelization and provision of services.